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Your team will meetings will occur in Zoom.  The HOST, usually your director or department head, will send you an invite that can go into your google calendar. At the scheduled day and time of your meeting, you can click on the ZOOM link within the calendar invitation, and that will bring you to Zoom.


If you haven't signed up/into Zoom previously, you can link your Zoom account to your Gmail account, so that it will be attached to your MARC email address.  If you are on a computer, you will be directed to download a small software item that will run each time you have a meeting.  If you are accessing from a cell phone or tablet, you will be directed to download the app from your App Store.


Once everything is configured, you will enter the room and have the capability of adjusting your audio and video.  Your HOST may choose to mute you and your colleagues, they will instruct you as to how you can speak.



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