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Congratulations, Dawn!

by T.A. Traver

The MARC, Inc. family would like to congratulate Dawn Russell on her recent appointment as the Chair for the State Rehabilitation Council to the Board of Education and Services for the Blind (BESB). As a long-term client and also acting as a liaison between MARC and BESB, Dawn has been able to ensure that others with visual impairments receive the same positive life-improving services that she has been able to enjoy.

Dawn was appointed to the council in 2018 and then was voted into her position as Chair this past October. Through BESB, she has been able to mentor youths with visual impairments or blindness and show them that there are employment possibilities out there for them. “BESB has made such a positive difference in my life and the way I do my job.” She looks forward to being more hands-on as COVID restrictions are lifted.

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