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MARC, Inc. Celebrates National Disability Employment Awareness Month with Inclusive Business Award

Updated: Dec 20, 2021

Marc, Inc. presented Merrill Industries, Inc. and Simoniz USA, Inc. with the Inclusive Business Award. The award was created by Development Director, Mary-Ellen Callahan, in 2019 to recognize employers who are exceptional partners with MARC in how they create inclusive work environments for individuals with disabilities. MARC partnered with Simoniz back in 2008 and with Merrill Industries in 2018.

Simoniz has been great to MARC people served and staff, always welcoming and kind. They support MARC's Vending for Change micro business by having both a snack and soda vending machine at their location, serviced by people served twice a week. They have made the guys at MARC feel like a part of the Simoniz family for years and for that MARC is thankful. Merrill immediately welcomed MARC people served with open arms and made them feel a part of the team. Annie Lopez, Director of Employment Services stated, "Merrill's Vice President of Operations, Bill, and all his great staff, always treat our guys with respect and dignity. Because of this, our guys always look forward to going to work at Merrill and we hope to build on this relationship for many years to come."

The theme for NDEAM 2021, “America’s Recovery: Powered by Inclusion,” reflects the importance of ensuring that people with disabilities have full access to employment and community involvement during the national recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. Both Simoniz and Merrill have exemplified this mission throughout our partnerships.

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