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MARC’s Project SEARCH Holds Virtual Graduation for First Class

The Project SEARCH Transition-to-Work Program is a unique, business-led, one-year employment preparation program that takes place entirely at the workplace. Total workplace immersion facilitates a seamless combination of classroom instruction, career exploration, and hands-on training through worksite rotations. In partnership with Goodwin University, MARC, Inc. of Manchester celebrates six graduates in its first graduating class.

According to Lindsey Sidera, Project SEARCH Coordinator & Instructor, each graduate overcame various obstacles in order to successfully graduate, whether learning a new job task, computer skills, or many of the various life skills taught at Project SEARCH. When asked what each graduate will bring to the workforce, Sidera says:

• Niasia will be bringing her can-do attitude and willingness to learn to her future employer.

• James will be bringing his work ethic and ability to adapt to any situation to his future employer.

• Lacey will be bringing her willingness to always help and assist and problem solve to her future employer.

• Kay will be bringing her quick wit, and ability to take on any project with grace to her future employer.

• Lexie will be bringing her punctuality and determination to finish projects on time to her future employer.

• David will be bringing his humor, his ability to observe and report, and openness to trying new tasks.

Actively waiting for the job market to reopen, the graduating class has been able to continue learning and growing through MARC’s Virtual Day Services, launched in response to mandates to close congregate settings. “We are so proud of everything they have accomplished and look forward to seeing what mountains they move next.”  Sidera closed with “Our Project SEARCH quote that we say every day is, ‘We always lift each other up!’ and these days the phrase is more important than ever!”  

MARC, Inc. of Manchester’s Project SEARCH virtual graduation will take place on Friday, May 29, 2020.

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