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Walking to Wellness

Updated: Oct 1, 2021

In order to get back to doing some of our normal activities, we've shifted MARC's Wellness Walks to the great outdoors by installing a 1/4-mile walking path that goes all around the MARC green where we gather for concerts. Human Resources Assistant Shannon Perrin says, "Wellness is something that we've been trying to promote more and more in the past few years and the addition of the walking trail has definitely increased participation in our Wellness Walks. We've been able to get people together multiple times a week to get in some exercise which encourages all our staff and people served to live a healthy lifestyle."

A great way to keep everyone focused on fitness, here is how MARC's Wellness Walks work. Each department has its own timeslot for walking as a group on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. First, the group stretches. Music is provided, and a spontaneous dance party has been known to break out. Walks typically take place in the mornings, which leaves the path available throughout the day for individual walkers or lunch time walkers. MARC individuals earn symbolic "feet" for the distance walked. Once a certain number of feet are earned, the individual can redeem them for a prize, such as a water bottle or a blanket.

The Wellness Committee is doing even more to keep everyone's health "on track." In partnership with ShopRite of Manchester/East Hartford/Vernon, MARC will host a drive-thru flu shot clinic on Wednesday, October 6, 2021. If you're interested in getting your flu shot, you can sign up here.

Then on October 15, 2021, a Wellness Fair is planned for staff and persons-served to further celebrate keeping everyone healthy.

Follow our lead to wellness. Take care of yourself and one another. We are all in it together.

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